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Service Dog Trained to Use Network Lifeline Fall Detector

“I live with my mother who has the AutoAlert button. I was downstairs watching TV when my doorbell rang and it was EMS. Why were they at my house? They said they had received a call from Lifeline. We went upstairs and there was my mom wedged between the nightstand and the bed—she had tripped getting up from a nap. She couldn’t press her button but her AuotAlert went off and thanks goodness it automatically sent a signal for help.”

– Maria S., New Castle, Pennsylvania

“I got up in the middle of the night and slipped, breaking my arm in three places. I was unable to get up and was getting very anxious and my arm was throbbing. Then I remembered I had Lifeline and all I did was push my button. The voice on the other end was like an angel to me and I was put at ease once I knew the ambulance was on its way.”

– Jim A., Avalon, Pennsylvania

“I get home every other month to see mother. And while she is in very good health, it is a preventative measure that my brother and I got the Lifeline AutoAlert. With this service she can simply press the button to get help. But if for some reason she couldn’t, it makes me feel better knowing that the AutoAlert would automatically detect any fall and get help at once.”

– Suzanne B., Boca Raton, Florida

“I called to get Lifeline for my sister. Do you know they were there the same day to set it up in her home? I so appreciated their sense of urgency; when my sister got home from the hospital they were setting it up and answered all of our questions. It was simple and seamless, and most importantly, I was very relieved.”

– Sandra J., Uniontown, Pennsylvania

“When Harold fell, I pushed my Lifeline button, and the ambulance came right away. Harold felt better knowing that he would get help in a matter of minutes.”

– Gertrude and Harold R., Monroeville, Pennsylvania

“My mom has been gone for some time, and a few years ago my dad’s dementia started getting worse. He won’t consider moving in with us, and so my family pitched in and got him the AutoAlert. If he falls, he will get help from us, a neighbor or emergency services – whether he remembers to push the button or not. That’s what I like about it best; he still gets to live independently, and yet, if there is any kind of a problem, we will know about it.”

– Bianca D., Waynesburg, Pennsylvania

“My favorite aunt is getting older. She knows that I only get to see her once a week, and so, as a compromise, she agreed to me getting Lifeline for her. I feel better knowing she can access help if she needs it.”

– Matt F., Butler, Pennsylvania

“My mother lives with me and is now 86. I have a full time job and am out of the home 5 days a week. She has been using Lifeline for about 3 years now and has pressed the button twice – in both cases I was very grateful as I am the primary responder and was able to get home in less than 20 minutes and help mother.”

– Kathleen L., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Community Resources

At Network Lifeline, we are committed to your safety, care and well-being. We support your commitment to live at home and are dedicated to help you preserve your independence and quality of life.

To help you find information about quality health care or health care services available to you and to your loved ones, we have compiled a list of organizations and agencies and encourage you to visit them and become an active and more knowledgeable participant in your own good health.

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